(Statement from 2020)
As a society we are faced with the serious health health crisis that is the Covid-19 virus right now...I know, it is scary!
First let's talk about maintaining a strong immune system....did you know massage has been proven to strengthen the immune system?https://www.amcollege.edu/blog/strengthen-your-immune-system-with-massage-therapy

Keep those lymphocytes active and circulating!

Massage is part of an immune boosting lifestyle which also includes getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, eating foods that are good for your body, appropriate exercise, and avoiding stress when possible!

....and of course, especially right now:

Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. (I like the video below--never knew about the thumb thing. I would add to use the towel you dried with to turn off the faucet and open the door)
Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands, use a tissue.
Avoid contact with people who are showing any symptoms (i.e. fever, cough, feeling unwell).
Utilize the Namaste pose instead of shaking hands/hugs.
Stay home while sick and avoid contact with others.
Cover coughs with your elbow or a tissue.
Check with your doctor on ways to stay healthy, incl. any supplements (ask about vitamin D).

I want to let you know the hygiene practices I use.....

I'm actually making few changes, because I already regularly do everything necessary to provide a sanitary space.

1. When I leave the room for you to get undressed, I wash my hands, my forearms, & past my elbows. I use the towel to touch all door handles and surfaces so that my hands stay clean for your session.

2. After your session, I again wash my hands/arms. When you leave, I wash or wipe with disinfectant everything that was touched during your session.

3. All linens used during your session go into the laundry.

4. Every surface you or I may touch during a session is wiped/sprayed down (incl. the floor!).

5.At this point in time I am also wearing a N95 mask to insure no droplets land on you from me! (of course I will be having no symptoms in order for us to be having a session, but just to make sure)

Please know I have already been doing most everything possible to keep both of us safe for years, and am constantly trying to improve my sanitary practices. However, if you have been advised to stay home because you may be immune-compromised, or just plain don't feel safe going out, please do what you need to do to take care of yourself! Your comfort, health and safety are my top priority.

In Case of Illness
Please cancel your appointment and stay home if you have symptoms, or have been in contact with someone having symptoms. Please give me as much notice as possible, but of course there is no fee for a "late" cancel in the case of illness. Also, if I am feeling unwell, I will contact you as soon as possible to cancel.

more about staying healthy & Covid-19:


​I really like this guy, Dr John Campbell(below), if you really want to geek out and get a lot of info. He has up to-the-minute info with daily installments.

He also is pro-fresh air/ventilation, which I am big on myself.


Thank you for reading; let's stay healthy!!


Call us at (206) 607-7034
email me
Please email/call with any questions